Kundalini Yoga

The most mysterious element in Hindu mythology. The Yoga, Tantra, Purana everywhere in one or another way the importance of Kundalini awakening has been described in details. It has attracted millions of curious people throughout the world toward India in search of True Master that liberate the Kundalini from it confinement and let it mingle…

Meet The Mentor

Urvashi Saini Ms. Urvashi Saini is a superb spiritual mentor, yoga teacher, ardent internationally famous writer. She is ‘person of action’ and believes in to ‘doing’ than ‘narrating’. When she asked to give her little introduction for the website, she very politely had refused saying-nothing to say and therefore, it landed on me to let…

Know Your Real Master

Know Your Real Master गुरु – The Master, The Magus is such a divine being that is beyond time, space or rather any dimensions and realms. None able to physically define or bound this eternal element called Master. The Guru cannot be perceived as mere physical entity, looks alike we the human– full of limitations…

Importance of Guru

Guru Mahatmya गुरु गोविंद दोनों खड़े.. का को लागू पाय बलिहारी गुरुदेव की, मोहे गोविंद दियो बताय।। Saint Kabir here very wisely notified the devotees the importance of Guru in devotee’s life. It is said that if even Narayana turned his back to us and leave our side, the Guru brought back him in our…

The Successors of Shri Vidya

The Master reveals the truth…                            The Disciple replants it in the pious hearts.. The ShriVidya is a greatest compilation of collective efforts of the sages, seers and seekers since the time started to travel. The journey is timeless and so the knowledge of ShriVidya is. It is said that the true knowledge of ShriVidya…

Guru Parampara

ॐ ब्रह्मानन्द परमसुखदं केवलं ज्ञानमूर्तिं द्वन्द्वातीतं गगनसद्शं तत्वमस्यादी लक्ष्यम् । एकं नित्यं विमलमचलं सर्वधीसाक्षीभूतम भावातीतं त्रिगुणरहितं सद्गुरुं तं नमामि ।। Lord Shiva. Sadasiva, Devadhideva Mahadeva, the Lord of Three Worlds.. Much known as AdiGuru, because he is the Zenith of Wisdom, Apex of Intellectuality and Pinnacle of Divine Knowledge. Surprisingly, Lord Shiva never made any…

Mantra Diksha

Mantra Diksha The ShriTvam initiates a very powerful and sacred tradition that infuses the soul of Vadic Culture since millennia. Any initiation or Sadhna is considered halfway until the Sadhak or Devotee does not get Mantra (The powerful sacred incantation) that helps the devotee to leverage his/her all limitations and push them ahead on their…


Tantra The most fearsome path of Indian Philosophy or rather would say, the tantra is part of every religion, cult, or clan existed on this earth in past, now or going to reveal in future. Tantra is a system – so much basic that no one afford to ignore it, but feared to embrace it…


Vipasyna “Ya: Pashayati”- ‘Look at This’. The word ‘Pashya’ derived from Sanskrit, means To See, but in deeper sense it encourages the ‘Seer’ to not only see but ‘reveal’ something important. This great connotation of Pashyati later in Post Vedic period and particularly in time of Buddhism coined as ‘Pashyana’ means ‘Something that Seen’. The…