Kundalini Yoga

The most mysterious element in Hindu mythology. The Yoga, Tantra, Purana everywhere in one or another way the importance of Kundalini awakening has been described in details. It has attracted millions of curious people throughout the world toward India in search of True Master that liberate the Kundalini from it confinement and let it mingle…

Mantra Diksha

Mantra Diksha The ShriTvam initiates a very powerful and sacred tradition that infuses the soul of Vadic Culture since millennia. Any initiation or Sadhna is considered halfway until the Sadhak or Devotee does not get Mantra (The powerful sacred incantation) that helps the devotee to leverage his/her all limitations and push them ahead on their…


Tantra The most fearsome path of Indian Philosophy or rather would say, the tantra is part of every religion, cult, or clan existed on this earth in past, now or going to reveal in future. Tantra is a system – so much basic that no one afford to ignore it, but feared to embrace it…


Vipasyna “Ya: Pashayati”- ‘Look at This’. The word ‘Pashya’ derived from Sanskrit, means To See, but in deeper sense it encourages the ‘Seer’ to not only see but ‘reveal’ something important. This great connotation of Pashyati later in Post Vedic period and particularly in time of Buddhism coined as ‘Pashyana’ means ‘Something that Seen’. The…

Daily Remedies

Daily Remedies We understand that life turns messy sometimes without prior notice and some immediate solutions would actually help to outcasts all your worries. Our Daily Remedies are the bunch of solutions that would actually help you live worry free and happy. We have bucketful remedies from Vedic and Puranic scriptures that help you to…

Vastu Constultation

Vastu Constultation Vastu Shastra.. or as inscribed in many old ancient Indian scriptures as Vastukala – Literary the art of balancing five basic elements in  every structure is the science of architecture and design. It focuses on harmonizing the physical environment with the natural elements to promote well-being of people, brings prosperity, and promotes the…

Astro Constultation

Astro Constultation Your natal chart reveals a lot. People might become skeptical about this age old science but indeed it has its own merit, provided your natal chart or the horoscope of yours should be genuine and so your faith in the narrator of it. If your natal chart differed the predictions you have owned…

Vaidik consultation

Vaidik Consultation Consult our best Pandits and Scholarly team for all your wishes to come true, be it daily remedies or get through some dilemmas, the team is happy to help in many ways and more than your expectation. Please go through the credentials of each mentor carefully and choose the profile as per your…

Vaidik Pooja

Vaidik Pooja The oldest and most authoritative scriptures of Hinduism that have created the foundations and pillars of Hindu Culture, religion, traditions, rituals and provide handy knowledge which contains true wisdom for day to day living life of common and illiterate people too. The Vedas have significant influence even today in this modern time when…